4 wheel drive trucks and SUV vehicles require additional time and work to properly bring the tires relationship with the surface into specification.
Different lift kits available for many trucks in stock at everything from low prices to the best engineered brands require careful consideration when it comes to installation and alignment.
Here at Dolson Auto we are re setting an alignment gone wrong, where the chain store had not only forgotten a few steps but damaged the key pin required to retain the cams. Once the pin is missing from the control arm brackets (because it was hammered out with possibly an air hammer?) a new pin would have to be fabricated and welded in. Fortunately there are two pins, one on each side of the bracket saving this client some cost unless the one pin cant hold the cam steady over time.
We repaired what could be done and reset every angle using Tru-align plate systems coupled with Hunter alignment sensors. Removing rust is a common issue and often these bolts are rusted and stuck. Once loose we oil them to make it easier and resist rust in the future (for the next guy).

Setting lifted trucks is an art and practice as much as science. Often some period of testing and adjustments is required to balance driveability with what the manufacturer wants and real world road feel. Tire life may be a trade off with some drivers desired specifications. Occasionally lifted trucks have thrust line issues and the steering wheel may need to be reset .
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